Release of Student Information

Student release of records or school transcripts can not/will not be released without written permission from a parent, or student if he or she is age 18 or older. Refer to Board Policy 505.1 Student Records Access and 505.2 Student Directory Information which governs the release of school records and/or information.

Student release of records or school transcripts may be requested by the individual student or their parent. If the student is 18 years of age or older, the parent cannot obtain their son/daughter’s records without the student’s written permission. The student will have to request the transcript with their directive, signature, and date.

Transcripts may be obtained from the Superintendent’s Secretary, Bert Deaton, by telephone at (515) 674-3646. There must be a written request/release giving her a directive as to where it is to be mailed, faxed, etc. Ms. Deaton is located at 1000 N. Walnut St. in Colfax, IA  50054; or the written release can be faxed to her at 515-674-3921. It must include the student’s printed name, year of graduation, birthdate, and it must be signed and dated.

Students currently enrolled at CM can access their transcripts through the Infinite Campus Student Portal. These are unofficial transcripts for informational use only.  If you require a transcript to be sent to a college or university, please get in touch with Missy Daft at or call (515) 674-3328.