504.07 – Emergency School Closings and Procedures

The Superintendent is empowered to cancel, close, or dismiss early the District buildings in the event of hazardous weather or other emergencies which threaten the health or safety of students and personnel.  such action is never to be taken lightly, for public education is one of the principal functions of the community and should be maintained at a normal level except in extreme circumstances.  When this regularity of operation ceases, serious difficulties are caused and the welfare of children may be jeopardized.  Schools may not properly be closed merely to avoid inconvenience.  While it may be prudent, under certain circumstances, to excuse all student from attending school, to delay the opening hour, or to dismiss students early, the administration has the responsibility to see that as much of the administrative, supervisory, and operational activity is continued as may be possible.  Therefore, if conditions affect only a single school, only that school shall be canceled, closed, or dismissed.

In making the decision to cancel, close, or dismiss early District buildings, the Superintendent/designee will consider many factors, including the following principal ones relating to the fundamental concern for the safety and health of children and staff:

  1. Weather conditions, both existing and predicted.
  2. Driving traffic, and parking conditions affecting public and private transportation facilities.
  3. Actual occurrence or imminent possibility of any emergency condition which would make the operation of schools difficult or dangerous

The Superintendent/designee will weigh these factors and will take action to cancel, close, or dismiss early District buildings after consultation with traffic and weather authorities, local principals, and/or school officials from neighboring districts.  Students, parents, and staff will be informed early in each school year of the procedures which will be used to notify them in case of an emergency closing.  WWhen District buildings are closed for emergency reasons, staff members will comply with Board policy in reporting for work.

School Closing Procedures

Non-Weather Related Events

If classes at any school are canceled or students are dismissed early due to a non-weather event, activities will be canceled or adjusted depending upon the emergency.

Weather-Related Events
High School

If school is canceled or dismissed early because of weather, activities may be canceled or adjusted to a later time that day.  The Superintendent/designee, in consultation with the principal/designee, will decide on activity practice/performance cancelations or set a delayed start time for such events that day.

Middle School

All activities will be canceled unless they are a part of approved high school activity.


All activities will be canceled.


District/school building meetings will be canceled.

Non-School Events

Community engagement and outside facility rental events scheduled in or on District facilities are canceled if the Colfax-Mingo schools have closed for weather or other emergencies.  If the weather turns bad or an emergency arises after school is over for the day and before the evening event, it is up to the Superintendent/designee to decide if their event is going to be held.  The Superintendent/designee will communicate that decision to the participants.

Date of Adoption: July 1, 1985

Reviewed & Revised: September 3, 1991; July 10, 1995; January 27, 2003; January 21, 2008; February 16, 2015; March 15, 2019