Infinite Campus

Welcome to Infinite Campus!



Infinite Campus is a district-wide student information system designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, assessments, and other information about the students in the Colfax-Mingo Community School District.

You will have access to the Campus Portal which is a confidential and secure website that allows parents/guardians to log in and view their child’s progress in school.  There is also an app available for both iOS and Android devices.  The goal of the Campus Portal is to create a better partnership between parents and teachers.

Logging in to Campus Portal will allow you to view the following real-time information about your child including:

  • Demographics
  • Schedules
  • Assignments
  • Assignment Scores
  • Calendar
  • Grades
  • Attendance
  • Graduation Progress
  • Academic Planner
  • To Do Lists
  • Reports
  • District and School Notices
  • Transportation Information
  • Cafeteria Balance

New Portal Accounts

The Infinite Campus parent portal is only available to parents or legal guardians of students with an “active” enrollment in Colfax-Mingo Community Schools.  An active enrollment is considered to be only during the current school calendar.  If you have a student enrolled in a future year, their status will not be “active” until the second week of July.  You will be able to setup your new parent portal at that time.

Request Assistance with the Parent Portal

  • If you have an account but have forgotten your username or password, follow the directions in the system to recover your username or to reset your password .
  • You must still have access to the email address that you previously entered for password reset purposes.

If you require other assistance with Infinite Campus besides creating an account or obtaining your username or password, you may email with the details of your request.  Please be sure to include your name, child(ren)’s names and birth dates, home address, email address, and the specific assistance you need.

Q. Who has access to the Student/Parent Portal?

Any parent/guardian with a child enrolled in the Colfax-Mingo Community School District (grades K-12) will be given an account to access information for the student(s) the parent holds legal guardianship of. Each parent/guardian will have a unique account.

Q. How to establish a Student/Parent Portal account?

Parents new to the district will receive a portal account after enrolling their student during kindergarten registration or through central registration. Parents of current CMCSD students without portal accounts should contact their student’s school building to have a portal account created for them.

Q. As a parent, do I need my own account or can I use my child’s account?

All parents are strongly encouraged to setup their own account. Only a parent account has the privilege to update household information as well as the ability to view all children in a household from a single place. Parents also have the added benefit of receiving district and school wide announcements.

Q. Is my information secure within the Student/Parent Portal?

Infinite Campus uses SSL (secure socket layer) encryption technology to ensure data is protected while information is in transit. It is similar to what the banking industry is utilizing.

Q. How often is information updated in the Student/Parent Portal?

Attendance information will be updated daily. Grades and assignments will be updated as soon as they are graded by a student’s teacher(s).

Q. How do I report errors or request updates to my information?

Log into your parent portal account and select “Household Information” from the index to update your household phone number or address. Select “Family Members” to update contact phone numbers for any members in your household. Select “Contact Preferences” to change the types of messages you receive from your student’s building(s). Otherwise, you may contact your child’s school administration office to request changes.

Q. Is there a mobile app to access Infinite Campus on the go?

Yes, Infinite Campus App is available for download for your iPad, iPhone, iPod and Android devices:

  1. Launch the Campus App, select Settings, choose “Colfax-Mingo Community School District” for the district, and “Iowa” for the state.
  1. Enter your Campus Portal Username and Password.
  1. Select “Log In / Sign In”
Q. Forgot your username/password? Additional Questions?

Please contact your child’s school administration office.